How to Use Your Phone, or Tablet, as a Streaming Device, With Your TV Set

By: The BitMar Team.

Do you remember, when streaming sticks/boxes first hit the market? It meant that we no longer had to replace our TV sets, as often. Afterall, the TV set simply became a dumb display, as all of the 'smart' features were now concentrated within the stick/box. Well, now there is something even better: It involves using your smartphone; instead of directly using your streaming stick/box – although, you may still use the aforementioned device, as a receiver, between your phone, and your TV set – if your TV does not support wireless connecting capabilities, directly.

According to Jonathan Rodriguez – the Founder and C.E.O., at BitMar Networks (owners of the BitMar streaming platform, and this blog) – most smartphones can now establish a wireless connection, with your TV set, through (either): Mirroring, and/or Casting. Why use your phone? Simple: Because you can now control playback, and volume, through your phone—no more having to depend (only) on your TV remote: No more having to replace batteries. No more having to look for that infernal TV remote, whenever your pet/s – or the kid/s – lose it. In other words: Whenever you connect your phone, to your TV set, it replaces your Cable box, and/or streaming stick/box. This way, you will never have to replace/buy another one! Additionally; most mid-range, and higher-end, phones can provide much better image quality; than most streaming players/sticks/boxes.

What is the Difference, Between Mirroring and Casting?

'Mirroring,' is: whenever you connect your phone to a wireless display/TV set; so that everything that you see on your phone is also being displayed on the larger display. Mirroring is usually done through your phone settings.

By contrast, 'Casting' is usually done by projecting content, from an app; so that only the projected content is visible on the larger display. Casting is usually done from within the content, itself (if the app in question supports the feature.) Casting allows you to continue using your phone, normally. While 'Mirroring' constantly displays what is visible on your mobile screen.

You may wirelessly connect your smartphone directly to your TV set, if your TV set is already compatible with any of the aforementioned wireless displaying technologies. In this case, simply refer to your TV set user's manual. Otherwise, you may still wirelessly connect your smartphone to your streaming stick, and/or streaming box—such, as: Your Roku, Fire TV, Android TV, among others. In this case, simply refer to your streaming device user's manual. There are three, main, wireless connecting technologies, that works with each type of device.

Google (Android) Chromecast:

Google's Chromecast platform is based on a non-proprietary technology, called Miracast (more on this, later.) If you use an Android device, either your TV set, or your streaming device must be compatible with Chromecast. Keep in mind: That some iPhone/iPad apps may be compatible with Chromecast.

Apple (iPhone/iPad) AirPlay:

On the other hand, if you use an iPhone/iPad device, either your TV set, or your streaming device must be compatible with AirPlay; which is the Apple version of Chromecast.

Windows PC (Miracast):

You may also connect your laptop, or desktop computer, to your big screen. If so, the technology used to accomplish this would be Miracast. By the way: Most Chromecast devices are also Miracast friendly, since – as mentioned – the Chromecast platform is based on Miracast technology.

Streaming Content:

You may continue using all of the same apps that you currently run on your phone—just as before. The only difference is that your content would display on your big screen, whenever you connect it, wirelessly.

If your goal is to save money, we recommend cutting down on streaming services that you may not always use. If so, you can probably get by, with an all-in-one streaming service, like: BitMar.

Currently, next-generation streaming platforms – like: BitMar – may provide you the most affordable form of on-demand streaming entertainment. BitMar provides all-in-one streaming service, for life, for a one-time payment, of: $99.99 USD. It can connect you to millions of on-demand movies, TV shows, channels, videos, and songs (from many different sources on the Web), on the screens that you already own. In fact, BitMar provides access to more movies, and TV shows, than: Cable, Satellite, Netflix, Disney Plus, Max/HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, Peacock, and Hulu – combined – and more songs, than: Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Prime Music, and Apple Music—combined. You may learn more, at: