Can Streaming Help With Depression?

By: The BitMar Team.

Depression is a common, and debilitating, mental health condition; that affects millions of people, around the World. While there is no single cure for depression, there are many strategies, and interventions, that can help to alleviate its symptoms.

One study, published in the journal: Computers in Human Behavior, found: that online gaming can provide a sense of social support, and improve well-being, for some individuals with depression. Streaming, which often involves some level of emotional interaction with the content, could potentially have similar benefits. As such, engaging in entertaining activities – including: streaming funny movies, comedy TV shows, laughable videos, and upbeat music – can provide a range of benefits, to depressed individuals.

Streaming can help to distract from negative thoughts, and emotions. When an individual is feeling depressed, they may find it difficult to focus on anything—other than their negative thoughts, and feelings. However, by streaming something engaging, they can create a temporary escape, from these thoughts; allowing them to focus on something more positive, and enjoyable.

Moreover, some streaming platforms often offer social features, that allow users to connect with others who share similar interests. This can provide a sense of community, and social connection; which can help to combat feelings of loneliness, and isolation, that often accompany depression. By engaging with others, who share similar interests, individuals with depression can feel a sense of belonging, and support. This can help to improve their overall well-being. However, streaming should not be used as a replacement to depression treatment. If you, or someone that you know, is struggling with depression, the best option is to seek help from a qualified mental health professional.

With the aforementioned in mind... next-generation streaming platforms – like: BitMar – may provide you the most affordable form of on-demand streaming entertainment. BitMar provides all-in-one streaming service, for life, for a one-time payment, of: $99.99 USD. It can connect you to millions of on-demand movies, TV shows, channels, videos, and songs (from many different sources on the Web), on the screens that you already own. In fact, BitMar provides access to more movies, and TV shows, than: Cable, Satellite, Netflix, Disney Plus, Max/HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, Peacock, and Hulu – combined – and more songs, than: Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Prime Music, and Apple Music—combined. You may learn more, at: