Four Mistakes That Make Your Home Internet Slower, for Streaming

By: The BitMar Team.

Very few things are more frustrating than slow, or unreliable, Internet service—especially if said connection is needed for work, entertainment, streaming, and/or any other important tasks. Fortunately, many common Internet issues can be fixed in a few, simple steps.

According to the Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) assistant, ChatGPT... here are four mistakes that may be making your home Internet worse—along with tips on how to resolve them:

1. Confusing the Modem, and Router:

Many people confuse the modem, and router, and/or assume that they are the same device. A modem, is: the box that pulls the Internet into your home—usually connected to a cable jack, in the wall. The router, on the other hand, connects to the modem, with a cord; and brings your devices online, over Wi-Fi. Some people have a combined router, and modem. This is called: a "gateway."

It is important to understand the difference, between the modem, and router, whenever you are experiencing issues, with your Wi-Fi. For example: if your Internet company is upgrading your modem, you may need to reset your router settings. Additionally, if you are experiencing slow Wi-Fi, you may need to move your router to a more central location, purchase a Wi-Fi extender, or upgrade to a mesh-router system.

2. Hiding Your Wi-Fi Router:

While hiding your modem may seem as an irrelevant situation, ironically, your Wi-Fi router needs to be in an open, and unobstructed, space. If your router is tucked away, behind a TV, and/or furniture, you may experience poor Wi-Fi signal, as well as: connectivity issues. Walls, metal, water, and/or other obstacles, can also block your Wi-Fi signal.

Consider moving your router, to the center of your home, and/or to a higher location. This will significantly help to improve your Wi-Fi signal. Avoid placing it near other electronic devices, and/or near water sources. You can also purchase a Wi-Fi extender, or repeater, to boost the signal strength; to areas of your home that are hard to reach.

3. Paying for Super-Fast Internet Service:

Internet providers often advertise service plans that promise “blazing-fast speeds.” However, in reality, most people only use a fraction of the Internet speeds for which they pay. Additionally, streaming video quality does not always improve with faster Internet connections; since even the slowest-speed packages are enough, to stream at a very decent quality.

With the aforementioned in mind... a basic high-speed Internet plan – with download speeds, of: 50 - 300 megabits, per second (Mbps) – is sufficient, for most households. Upload speeds – which measure the maximum rate of online data, moving from your devices, back to the Internet – are often ignored, in Internet companies’ marketing pitches. However, if you experience slow upload speeds, during activities, such, as: video-conferencing, and/or uploading large files, consider upgrading your plan, or switching providers.

4. Using Your Internet Company’s Modem, or Router:

Internet providers typically offer modem, router, and/or gateway, rentals. As implied, they often charge an additional, monthly fee in such scenarios. You can save money; by purchasing a modem, and/or router, instead. However, it is important to follow the installation instructions, from your Internet provider, in order to ensure compatibility, and avoid issues with firmware updates.

Choosing whether to rent – or buy – your Internet gear, is a personal decision. Renting from your provider ensures that your equipment can handle the Internet speeds for which you are paying, and assuring that the company can help you with any technical problems. However, using proprietary equipment, means: that you can always replace it, whenever you want; instead of waiting for your Internet provider to upgrade, and/or replace it on their terms.


Fixing home Internet mistakes can improve your experience, and save you money. Whether it is distinguishing (between the modem, and router); moving your router, to a better location; choosing the right internet plan; or purchasing a modem, and/or router; these simple steps can help you to optimize your home Internet connection.

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