The Psychology of Live Streaming: How it Affects Streamers, and Viewers

By: The BitMar Team.

Live streaming has become a popular pastime, for many people—whether it is watching others play video games, or streaming one's activities. Nevertheless, have you ever considered the psychological impact of live streaming, on both: streamers, and viewers? In this article, we will explore the psychology of live streaming, and how it affects those involved.

Firstly, why do people enjoy watching live streams? According to a study, published in the Journal of Media Psychology, one of the main reasons, is: the feeling of social connectedness that it provides. Watching someone else play a game, or engage in an activity, can create a sense of community, and shared experience—particularly, for those who may feel isolated, or lonely.

On the other side of the equation, live streaming can also have significant benefits for the streamer. According to another report, by Forbes, live streaming can provide a sense of purpose, and fulfillment—particularly, for those who may feel unfulfilled in their day-to-day lives. The report also notes: that live streaming can provide a form of therapy, and stress relief, for those who struggle with anxiety, and/or depression.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to live streaming, particularly, for those who spend excessive amounts of time on these platforms. According to another study, published in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, excessive use of Social Media, and online communication, can lead to negative outcomes—including: social isolation, depression, and anxiety.

Additionally, the pressure to perform, and maintain a consistent audience, can be stressful for streamers. In a survey of Twitch streamers, conducted by Stream Hatchet, over 60% of respondents reported feeling stress related to their streaming activities. This stress can be further compounded by the need to interact with fans, and maintain a positive public image.

Finally, it is worth considering the impact of live streaming on privacy, and personal boundaries. According to another report, by The Guardian, some streamers have reported feeling uncomfortable with the level of personal information that they share with their audience; and may feel pressured to disclose more, in order to maintain their popularity. Additionally, viewers may feel entitled to a level of access, and/or interaction, with which the streamer may not be comfortable. This can lead to boundary issues, and potential conflicts.

In conclusion, live streaming can have a profound impact on the mental health, and well-being, of both: streamers, and viewers. While there are benefits to this form of online communication – including: social connectedness, and a sense of purpose – there are also potential drawbacks, including: excessive use, and the pressure to maintain a consistent audience. As live streaming continues to grow in popularity, it is important to consider these psychological factors, and take steps to mitigate their negative effects.

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