How to Get Premium Streaming Service, While Traveling—Without the Monthly/Yearly Fees

By: The BitMar Team.

Image Source: Bing Image Creator.

In today’s world, most people subscribe to as many as four streaming services; while paying an average, of: $87, per month. The worst part, is: that most streaming services do not work – or, are often limited – whenever you try to use them, while traveling.

While most streaming platforms have established themselves as providers of great value, it is evident: that the streaming industry is changing—and that more drastic changes are likely to follow.

Be that as it may, there is one streaming platform that wants to cement itself as the greatest-value provider. This article will examine the all-in-one streaming platform, called: BitMar; to help you determine whether BitMar is a good streaming alternative, for you—especially if you travel, each year.

What is BitMar? As per the official website description – at: – “BitMar is a next-generation, all-in-one streaming platform. It can connect you to millions of full movies, TV shows, channels, videos, and songs, in one place (from different, free worldwide sources on the Web), on the devices that you already own; for a one-time-payment, of: $99.99 USD” (~€95.)

Why is BitMar so affordable? From a technical perspective... with BitMar, you do not pay for content. Instead, you pay for access to the BitMar platform—which is a similar concept to that of the all-you-can-eat buffet. In layman's terms: BitMar has found a sustainable streaming model, wherein content creators/owners (including: TV networks, production studios, etc.) can monetize their content, through the free traffic that BitMar brings to their content. As a result, BitMar is completely legal; and favorable to content makers.

The official BitMar website also states, that: “BitMar functions as a content finder, using the same technology behind the Bing search engine.” The description goes to further-explain, that: “However, unlike search engines, BitMar has been specifically optimized to find you full streaming content, in any language, from anywhere in the World. In fact, the BitMar clean-design approach provides easy access to more movies, and TV shows, than: Cable, Satellite, Netflix, Disney Plus, Max/HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu, combined... and more songs, than: Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Prime Music, and Apple Music, combined.” That is correct: you will notice this, as you use the BitMar app—regardless of device. Furthermore, the official website also ensures, that: “You may use/connect/display BitMar on virtually any device—including: smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, gaming consoles, streaming boxes/players/sticks, etc.”

Now... is BitMar recommended for you? Ultimately, that is a question for each consumer to answer. Overall, BitMar is a great option for those who want to access a wide variety of premium content, from different sources – all, in one place – including: while traveling.

However, if you want to have access to live sports, you may want to consider supplementing your entertainment, by subscribing to an additional (live sports) provider; as BitMar does not focus on live sports—although, it provides some on-demand sports programming. Keep in mind, that: most live-sports services do not work outside of their geographic markets... while BitMar’s on-demand content is always available – including: its sports content – regardless of your location.

Given its free trial offer, affordable pricing (of: $99.99/~€95), international appeal, one-time-payment (for-lifetime access), user-friendly interface, and unique content-filtering system, BitMar is a streaming option worth considering—especially, if you travel.

You may learn more, about BitMar, and/or obtain a free trial (no credit/debit card required), at: